創作者的心路歷程各有其困境與迷思,但無不充滿自身的故事色彩。香港當今最重要攝影大師之一: #何藩,亦同樣盡其畢生,勾畫出精彩絕倫的創作故事。早於1945年,何藩以畫意派為啟蒙老師,後以年計一路走過 #寫實派 及 #新潮派 的實驗之旅,從而糅合百家之大成探尋出美學、現實、新穎三者之間的共鳴,創出他極具標誌性的剪裁風格,集成其獨有的一門新影藝。

The creator’s journey is always a difficult one with its twists and turns, but every creator has its own way of embarking on their unique path. #FanHo, an internationally renowned photographer who captured Hong Kong in the 50’s and 60’s, devoted his life to evolving his craft. His own artistic journey started as early as 1945 and he was over time inspired by different schools and styles to eventually come to his own unique style.

Why it matters:

This journey is documented in Fan Ho’s latest photo-book ‘Photography. My Passion. My Life.’ published by We Press in 2021. A highlight of the book is the essay ‘My Quest’, in which he recollects his past works and reflects on his personal interpretations of aesthetics, poetics, philosophy and synergy. This journey will also be expressed in Fan Ho’s latest exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery inviting photography enthusiasts to explore and pursue the wonders of photography through Fan Ho’s lens.

3 Keypoints:
.何藩 1931 年出⽣於中國上海。⾃14歲⽣日時獲⽗親所贈Kodak Brownie相機開始,便與攝影結下不解之緣,更在第⼀年便獲得首個獎項。其後他於18歲獲贈Rolleiflex雙鏡頭相機及跟隨家人移居香港,繼續追尋攝影夢。



.Born in Shanghai in 1931, Fan Ho delved into photography at the early age of 14 when he started taking pictures with a Kodak Brownie camera. Later at the age of 18, his Father bought him a twin lens Rolleiflex camera with which he took all his award-winning photographs. In 1949, Fan Ho’s parents moved to Hong Kong where the young Fan Ho continued pursuing his passion for photography, in particularly for street photography.

.Dubbed the ‘Cartier-Bresson of the East’ Fan Ho had the patience to wait for ‘the decisive moment’; very often a collision of the unexpected, framed against a very clever composed background of geometrical construction and texture. He also liked to create drama and atmosphere with backlit effects or through the combination of smoke and light. His favorite locations were life on the sea or the streets, alleys and markets around dusk.

.Fan Ho was most prolific in his teens and 20’s and created his biggest body of work before he reached the tender age of 28. His work didn’t go by unnoticed at his time. He won close to 300 local and international awards and titles in his day through competing in the salons. His talent was also spotted by the film industry where he started out as an actor before moving to film directing until retiring at 65.

Background – Fan Ho :
何藩是英國皇家攝影學會及英國皇家藝術學會會員,亦是多國攝影學會榮譽會員,包括新加坡、阿根廷、巴西、德國、法國、意大利及比利時。2015年,他更獲得了第二屆全球華人攝影大獎所頒發的「年度致敬人物獎」。過往曾到多國大學教授攝影及電影製作。其作品獲眾多私人和公共機構收藏,其中最著名的包括:香港M+博物館、香港文化博物館、法國國家圖書館(Bibliothèque National de France)、舊金山現代藝術博物館(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)、美國聖巴巴拉藝術博物館(Santa Barbara Museum of Art)、美國克利夫蘭藝術博物館(The Cleveland Museum of Art)。

Fan Ho is a Fellow of the Photographic Society and the Royal Society of Arts in England, and an Honorary Member of the Photographic societies of Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy and Belgium. He most recently won a ‘Life-time Achievement Award, the 2nd Global Chinese Int’l Photography Award, China, 2015’ by the Chinese Photographic Society (Guangzhou). During his long career he has taught photography and film making at a dozen universities worldwide. His work is in many private and public collection of which most notable are: M+ Museum, Hong Kong, Heritage Museum, Hong Kong, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris, France, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, USA and many more.

Final Tips:
何藩家人所述:「何藩是永遠在我們內心深處,透過他遺下來的作品,會感覺和他的距離拉得更近。每一次我們注視他那令人難以忘懷的作品,總有不同的體驗,無論是他鏡頭下那逝去的時代、 還是恆久不變的人情味。」

As per the Fan Ho family, “Fan Ho will always have a special place in our hearts, and we feel closer to him through the lasting legacy of his work. We know we will continue to discover something refreshing every time we look at his unforgettable images, be they portrayals of a bygone era or of the endurance of the human spirit.”

Fan Ho-Photography. My Passion. My Life

2022.11.18 – 12.18
Blue Lotus Gallery
G/F, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Courtesy to the gallery and the artist

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