
The Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF) announces names of the shortlisted finalists for The 2022 Sovereign Asian Art Prize. Finalists in the running for this year’s Prize hail from 16 countries and regions across Asia-Pacific, of which Hong Kong has the strongest representation with 5 artists shortlisted. Amongst the finalists, 27 artists have been shortlisted for the first time.

Why it matters:
本獎項收到來自亞太地區27個國家和地區共419件參賽作品。由76位獨立藝術專業人士組成的提名委員會—— 其中11位是2022年提名委員會的新成員,他們都是與所在地區的藝術家緊密合作的策展人和學者——提名了278位藝術家參與本獎項。30位決賽入圍者由四位世界級藝術專家組成的評審團選出,成員包括:作家、策展人和博物館館長David Elliott;藝術家、策展人和演員林嘉欣;藝術家、2021年Sovereign傑出亞洲藝術獎大獎得主厲檳源;以及大館資深策展人郭瑛。一件藝術品被特許加入展覽,因此今年共展出31位藝術家作品。

This year, The Prize received 419 entries from 27 countries and regions in Asia-Pacific. A total of 76 independent arts professionals – 11 of them new to the nominating board for 2022 and comprising curators and academics who work closely with artists in their respective regions – nominated 278 artists into The Prize. The 30 finalists were shortlisted by a panel of four world-class art specialists, namely: writer, curator, and museum director, David Elliott; artist, curator, and actress, Karena Lam; artist and winner of The 2021 Sovereign Asian Art Prize, Li Binyuan; and Senior Curator, Digital and Heritage at Tai Kwun, Ying Kwok. An additional artwork was also selected as a special inclusion for the exhibition resulting in a total of 31 artists on display this year.

Shortlisted Artist: 
Ahn Jun 
Alvin Ong 
Ashfika Rahman 
Atefe Namavar 
Atsuko Yamagata 
Ayessha Quraishi 
Azin Zolfaghari 
Boo Sze Yang 
Cai Yaling 
Chan Wai Lap 
Chiu Chen-Hung 
Cyrus Tang 
Dilyara Kaipova 
Dipali Gupta 
Faezeh Baharloo 
h0nh1m (Chris Cheung) 
IV Chan 
James Geurts 
Jel Suarez 
Kurt Tong 
Kyaw Htoo Bala 
Lai Kwan Ting 
Le Thuy 
Marium Agha 
Nguyễn Văn Đủ 
Pham Huy Thong 
Robert Zhao Renhui 
Sarah Choo Jing 
Xue Ruozhe 
Zhang Zhao Ying 
Zulkifli Lee 

Background – Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF):
成立於2003年,SAF是一個致力於籌集資金來支援弱勢兒童參與表達藝術計劃的慈善機構。與SAF的全年籌款活動相結合,本獎項現已被公認為地區內最令人想望的年度獎項之一,大獎獎金高達30,000美元。本獎項培育來自亞太地區的人才,作為藝術家的跳板,幫助他們繼續突破價格紀錄,並獲得接觸更廣泛受眾的寶貴機會。傑出藝術大獎(Grand Prize)得主與獎金1,000美元的公眾大獎(Public Vote Prize)(由公眾於網上和展覽投票決定)和獎金達5,000美元的「Vogue Hong Kong女性藝術獎」(授予得分最高的決賽入圍女藝術家)的獲獎者將於2022年5月揭曉。

Launched in 2003, SAF is a charitable organisation that raises funds for programmes that support disadvantaged children through expressive arts. In tandem with SAF’s year-round fundraising initiatives, The Prize is recognised as one of the most coveted annual awards in the region with a Grand Prize of US$30,000. Nurturing talent from across Asia-Pacific, The Prize has acted as a springboard to help artists go on to achieve record prices as well as gain invaluable exposure to wider audiences. The winner of the Grand Prize, along with the winners of the Public Vote Prize of US$1,000 (determined through public votes online and at exhibition) and the Vogue Hong Kong Women’s Art Prize of US$5,000 (awarded to the highest scoring female finalist), will be announced in May 2022.

Final Tips:
入圍作品可於SAF網站或親臨Art Central購藏。所有收益將平均分配予藝術家和為亞州區內弱勢兒童舉辦的慈善計劃。有關藝術品的發售日期,請留意SAF網站或社交媒體的最新消息。

The shortlisted artworks will be available to purchase via sale online on our website and by visiting in person at Art Central. All proceeds will be split evenly between the artists and charitable programmes for disadvantaged children in Asia. Please stay tuned to our website or social media channels for the launch of artwork sales.

The 2022 Sovereign Asian Art Prize Finalists Exhibition

2022.5.26 – 5.29
香港灣仔博覽道1號香港會議展覽中心Art Central
Art Central, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Courtesy to Sovereign Art Foundation and the artists

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