石家豪 X 謝炎安:男子藝術共創|THE MEN’S DOUBLES OF ART


The two artists – Wilson Shieh and Tse Yim On are good friends as well as past classmates, they both graduated with MFA degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001. Even though their art creations vary in terms of style, their works surround and belong to a similar theme, making their paintings perfect complementation of each other. The exhibition is a celebration of the 20th anniversary of their graduation and it showcases their new paintings, together with exciting collaborative works.

Why it matters:


Shieh and Tse present colorful works that depict the memorable icons that most influenced their teenage years and young adulthood. From the cover of an album to the iconic faces of well-known celebrities at that time. Timeless stars such as Leslie Cheung hold a place in the hearts of Hong Kong people, representing the glorious years of Hong Kong Entertainment that dominated the world culturally. The new collaborative works are also created with their unique style, with Shieh’s traditional Chinese Gonbi ink painting and also Tse’s contemporary acrylics with vivid colors.

2 Highlights:

  • 作品是一系列以中國彩繪瓷圖案結合搖滾唱片封面的工筆作品。
  • The exhibition shows a series of Rock Album cover inspired by Chinese porcelain pattern

  • 二人的共創作品囊括中國麻將文化和現代科技元素。
  • The two collaborative works include the Chinese culture of Mahjong and elements of modern technology.

Background: 石家豪 · 謝炎安 Wilson Shieh · Tse Yim On

  • 石家豪,以中國傳統工筆人物技法基礎,結合當代構思以及港式風情,發展出新舊共融的獨特畫風。
  • Wilson Shieh, being trained with traditional Chinese gongbi ink painting technique, produces signature work with contemporary theme and local accent. 
  • 謝炎安,以塑膠彩畫布為創作媒介,掌握西方當代繪畫語言,對普及文化及次文化亦有敏銳觸覺,作品透過流行圖像反映個人視野。
  • Tse Yim On, a local trained acrylic painter, combines contemporary art languages with pop culture and sub-culture in his works which reflect the inner vision of the artist. 

Final Tips: 


Remember to observe the intricate details of each paintings!

男 子 雙 打 – 石 家 豪 x 謝 炎 安  

 DOUBLE MEN – Wilson Shieh x Tse Yim On


2021.11.5 – 2021.11.16


11:00 – 19:00


香港 中環半山 鴨巴甸街 35 號 元創方 士丹頓樓 S503 – S504 室

Room S503 – S504, Staunton Building, PMQ,

35 Aberdeen Street, Mid-level Central, Hong Kong

Courtesy to PMQ and the Artists

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