就藝術而言,前衛一詞代表先於其時代的新穎藝術家和藝術品。香港厲蔚閣宣佈舉辦展覽「先驅」 (Pioneers),慶祝頌揚20世紀初興起於歐洲的前衛藝術之成就。

In reference to art, the term avant-garde represents artists, and artworks that are preceding in its time. Hong Kong’s Lévy Gorvy proudly presents Pioneers, an exhibition dedicated to celebrating the achievements of the avant-garde paintings that emerged in Europe in the first decades of the twentieth century.

Why it matters:

精彩作品例如保羅·塞尚 (Paul Cézanne) 的 《浴者小像》 (1900-02年作)、卡米耶·畢沙羅 (Camille Pissarro) 的《聖雅克教堂》(1901年作)、莫里斯·德·烏拉孟克 (Maurice de Vlaminck) 的《蛙塘》(1904-05年作) 和胡安·米羅 (Joan Miró) 的《吻》 (1924年作) 界定了現代藝術的定義。 展覽還包括其他主要作品,包括馬克·夏卡爾(Marc Chagall)、喬治·莫蘭迪(Giorgio Morandi)、巴布羅·畢卡索 (Pablo Picasso) 和基斯·梵·鄧肯 (Kees Van Dongen) 等藝術家的非凡現代靜物與人物畫。「先驅」將這些傳奇藝術家的先鋒精神傳遞給大眾香港市民。
Enjoy the brilliant works of Cézanne’s Esquisse de baigneurs (1900–02), Camille Pissarro’s L’Eglise Saint-Jacques (1901), Maurice de Vlaminck’s La Grenouillère (1904–05) and Joan Miró’s Le Baiser (1924) that defined art in the modern era. It also features other major works including modern still lifes and figure painting by artists such as Marc Chagall, Giorgio Morandi, Pablo Picasso, and Kees Van Dongen. Pioneers pass on the pioneering spirit of these revolutionary artists to the general public of Hong Kong.

4 Highlights:

  • 保羅·塞尚 (Paul Cézanne) 的 《浴者小像》 (1900-02年作)所展現的明豔的色彩斑塊和起伏的線性筆觸在亮白底色上呈現出高度結構化的構圖,這集中體現了塞尚開創的全新視覺語言,其影響對後代藝術家是革命性的。
  • Paul Cézanne’s Esquisse de baigneurs (1900–02) displays patches of vibrant color and wavering linear brushstrokes over brilliant white ground render a highly structured composition which epitomized Cézanne’s development of an entirely new visual language – one that proved revolutionary for successive generations of artists.
  • 卡米耶·畢沙羅 (Camille Pissarro) 的《聖雅克教堂》是印象派筆下城市風貌的精緻範例,它訴說了畢沙羅對克勞德·莫奈創作於1890年代的「魯昂大教堂」系列的景仰之情,把大教堂化作城市結構的一部分,將城鎮集市日的攤位和熙熙攘攘的人群納入畫面之中。
  • Camille Pissarro’s L’Eglise Saint-Jacques (1901)  is an exquisite example of the Impressionist’s urban views which shows Pissarro’s admiration of Claude Monet’s Rouen Cathedral series from the 1890s, translating the buttresses and towers of its Gothic architecture into dappled brushstrokes.
  • 莫里斯·德·烏拉孟克(Maurice de Vlaminck) 的《蛙塘》 (1904-05年作)採用蛙塘 (法語寫作「La Grenouillère」) 一景,並用生動、濃厚的色調強調大膽的抽象形狀和黑色輪廓,遂將這一場景徹底改變。
  • Maurice de Vlaminck’s La Grenouillère (1904–05) takes inspiration from“the frog pond” and transforms it with vivid, thickly applied hues accentuated by boldly abstracted shapes and black outlines which embodies the innovative use of color and form that would make him one of the principal figures Fauvism.
  • 「先驅」展覽的另一件亮點作品是胡安·米羅 (Joan Miró) 的《吻》 (1924年作) ,本作定義了這位加泰羅尼亞畫家所開啟的全然抽象生物形態風格,地位斐然。米羅對於繪畫喚起微觀和宏觀世界的尺幅、心靈內在生活的可能性有了徹底、嶄新的認識。
  • Joan Miró’s Le Baiser (1924) defined the Catalan painter’s embarkation on a fully abstract, biomorphic style, exemplifying Miró’s radical reconception of the possibilities of painting to evoke microscopic and macrocosmic scales as well as the inner life of the mind.

Background: The Avant-garde movement

  • 「Avant-garde」 最初是一個法語術語,在英語中的意思是先鋒隊或先遣隊(軍隊中比其他人領先的一部分)。
  • “Avant-garde” is originally a French term, meaning in English vanguard or advance guard (the part of an army that goes forward ahead of the rest).
  • 具有影響力的思想家亨利·德·聖西門(Henri de Saint-Simon)是社會主義的先驅之一,他相信藝術在社會中的力量,並將藝術家、科學家和工業家並列為社會的領導者。
  • Influential thinker Henri de Saint-Simon, one of the forerunners of socialism, believed in the social power of the arts and saw artists, alongside scientists and industrialists, as the leaders of a new society.
  • 前衛藝術可以說始於1850年代古斯塔夫·庫爾貝(Gustave Courbet)的寫實主義,他深受早期社會主義思想的影響。
  • Avant-garde art can be said to begin in the 1850s with the realism of Gustave Courbet, who was strongly influenced by early socialist ideas.

Source: TATE

Final tips:


Notice how the Avant-garde artworks are created at the turn of the century.

​​「先驅」 Pioneers


2021.8.26 – 2021.9.30



Lévy Gorvy, Ground Floor, 2 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong

Courtesy to Lévy Gorvy and the Artists

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