
蘇富比呈獻「The Supreme Vault:(1998-2018)」網上專場拍賣會,這個由美國藏家Yukio Takahashi花了20年建立的私人珍藏系列,幾乎涵蓋Supreme歷年生產的所有配飾配件,將奢侈品、藝術和滑板文化共冶一爐。

Sotheby’s is thrilled to offer a prodigious privately-owned collection of almost every Supreme accessory ever produced in The Supreme Vault: 1998 – 2018. This online-only sale features a landmark archive interweaving luxury, art, and skate culture assembled by U.S. based collector Yukio Takahashi over 20 years.

創立於1994年的Supreme,最初在紐約下城區賣滑板和時裝起家,並在短時間內崛起,成為風行全球的著名品牌。此非同凡響的收藏可謂Supreme品牌發展的歷史全紀錄,見證它滲入運動、音樂和設計等層面的生活文化。其中網羅Supreme在二十年間生產逾千件商品,包括極罕有的Stern Pinball彈珠機、Everlast拳擊用品系列(包括沙袋)、Coleman電單車,以至大眾化的商品,價格豐儉由人,所有拍品不設底價。這個私人珍藏系列將以拍品組合及單項拍品形式上拍,總估價逾170萬港元。網上專場拍賣會將於香港時間5月20日上午10時正開始競投,截止時間為5月28日上午11時正;部份精選拍品將於5月24日至28日在香港中環H Queen’s Harts Hall公開展出。

Established in 1994, Supreme began as a skateboarding and fashion shop in downtown NYC and quickly grew into a global brand. This exceptional collection acts as a timeline, charting how the brand has successfully maneuvered into every facet of culture, including sports, music and design. This collection represents twenty years of accessories produced by Supreme, including the rare Stern Pinball machine, Everlast boxing series (including the heavy bag), Coleman Motorbike, and over one thousand other items ranging in price and rarity – all offered without reserve.

The archive is being offered in group lots and single lots with a total estimate in excess of HK$ 1.7 million / US$ 220,000. This online-only sale is open for bidding 20 May 10am HKT – 28 May 11am HKT, and highlights will be on exhibition at Hart Hall, H Queen’s in Central Hong Kong from 24-28 May.

THE SUPREME VAULT: 1998 – 2018
Public Exhibition:
2019.5.24 – 5.28
HART Hall H Queen’s Hong Kong
Online Auction:
2019.5.20 10:00 – 5.28 11:00 (GMT +8)

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