
Chinese Feng Shui is an ancient study that has been perceived by others as something full of mysteries and wonders. de Sarthe is pleased to present the works of Hong Kong-based conceptual artist Mak2 (Mak Ying Tung 2), titled House of Fortune, featuring her iconic series Home Sweet Home (2019-). It aims to express the values and beliefs under the influence of Chinese Fengshui and big data in the present digital era.

Why it matters:


Using herself as the subject, Mak2 aims to dis­­sect the criteria of what constitutes and contributes to value while performing individual experiments on the exhibited works. Originally named Mak Ying Tung, the artist added the ‘2’ to her name in 2018 after visiting a Feng Shui master, hoping to gain fame and fortune by perfecting the number of strokes in her Chinese name. Her new identity marked the beginning of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The artist sought to maximize the success of her exhibition House of Fortune by seeking affirmation from not only theological but scientific authorities.

4 Highlights:

  • 麥影彤二的多媒體裝置《五餅二魚》由多個3D打印的水晶與 兩個二進制代碼的投影影像組成。藝術家借鑒中國神靈會帶來好運的宗教思想,邀請一位風水師對包含水晶3D模型的數碼文件開光。
  • Mak2’s multimedia installation Feeding the Multitude comprises a heap of 3D-printed crystals and two projected videos of running binary code. Borrowing the mythological belief that Chinese celestials bring good fortune, the artist invites a Fengshui master to perform a consecration ritual (Kaiguang) on a digital file that contains the 3D model of a crystal. 
  • 《美好家園:風水畫》是持續進行的三聯畫作品系列的子系列,作品透過電子遊戲《模擬人生》(The Sims)創造,然後再由中國電子購物平台淘寶上的畫家描繪出來。
  • A continuation of her ongoing series, Home Sweet Home: Feng Shui Painting is a sub-series of triptychs on canvas, composed using the popular American life simulation game “The Sims”, with each panel of an artwork painted by a different painter found on the Chinese e-commerce platform Taobao.
  • 《機關算盡I》由一張嵌有LED屏幕的加大雙人床和一個塞滿電線、電纜和各種電子元件的抽屜組成,該裝置提出透過使用數據挖掘、選擇性廣告及精準營銷引導對象進入循環模式的想法,科學在現實中的應用亦可能會產生自我應驗預言的幻象。
  • Clever Calculation I consists of a LED screen implanted into a queen-sized bed, the drawers of which are packed with wires, cables, and various electronic components, using the bedroom as a symbol for privacy and intimate thoughts, the artwork reveals the interventions of technocapitalism and science.  
  • 《機關算盡II》展示了一張床墊嵌有LED屏幕的單人床,屏幕播放著一段由聘請的女演員扮演的風水師的影像,預測藝術家將會成名。麥影彤二根據網上算命的建議起草了該影像作品的劇本,進一步深入她對數碼風水及二十一世紀科技時代之中科學與迷信共存的調查。
  • Clever Calculation II comprises a single bed, one of which has a LED screen embedded in the mattress which shows a video of a hired actress playing the role of a Feng Shui master. She predicts that the artist will become famous. Mak2 drafted the script based on advice obtained from online fortune telling services, furthering her investigation into digital Fengshui and the coexistence of science and superstition in the 21st-century technological era. 

Background: 風水 Feng Shui

  • 風水,中國五術之一的相術中的相地之術,即臨場校察地理的方法。
  • Feng shui, also known as Chinese geomancy, is a pseudoscientific traditional practice originating from ancient China, which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment.
  • 風水主要分為陽宅風水及陰宅風水。
  • Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations). 
  • 地相,古代稱勘輿,是用來選擇宮殿、村落選址、墓地建設等的方法及原則:是中國歷史悠久的一門玄術。
  • The feng shui practice discusses architecture in terms of “invisible forces” that bind the universe, earth, and humanity together, known as qi.

Source: Wikipedia

Final Tips: 


Notice how your surrounding environment integrates technology with Feng Shui!

「闔家富貴」 “House of Fortune


2021.10.16 – 2021.12.4


Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 – 19:00


德薩畫廊 de Sarthe


20/F, Global Trade Square, 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong

Courtesy to de Sarthe and the Artists


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