經過 Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館 約兩年的修復及研究,終能首次向公眾展示兩年前香港水下文化遺產小組於西貢糧船灣的水下考古成果,當時打撈出一只約千年歷史的宋代船錨。是次重要考古發現,展示香港在古代海上絲綢之路擔當著避風、補給、啟航地的角色。古物古蹟辦事處又特別借出數年前於聖山北 (沙田至中環線宋王臺港鐵站工地 )宋代遺址出土文物,8月 14 日起於本館《東西匯流—十三至十八世紀的海上絲綢之路》展覽中隆重展出。

觀眾將飽覽逾二百件 /套內地及本地收藏 ,包括廣東省博物館、湖北省博物館、泉州海交史博物館、廣東省文物考古研究所、西漢南越王博物館、羅定博物館、香港海事博物館、古物古蹟辦事處、香港大學美術博物館及本地其他重要收藏。品類涵蓋精美陶瓷、金銀寶石、外銷畫、絲綢、石雕、古籍及地圖、金屬器 竹木器、船模型、海圖等。

In 2016, the Hong Kong Maritime Museum led a team of local divers from the Hong Kong Underwater Heritage Group to recover a 1,000-year-old stone anchor stock off High Island. This archaeological find highlights the historical role played by Hong Kong in the Maritime Silk Road as a safe harbour, place of replenishment and point of departure. After about two years’ conservation, the artefact is presented to the public for the first time, along with a range of excavated items (loaned from AMO) from Sacred Hill North (near Sung Wong Toi MTR Station work site of Sha Tin to Central Link) in an exhibition about Chinese maritime trade “East Meets West: Maritime Silk Routes in the 13th – 18th Centuries”, opening on the 14 August.

The exhibition showcases over 200 artefacts drawn from Mainland and Hong Kong, including Guangdong Museum, Hubei Provincial Museum, Quanzhou Maritime Museum, Guangdong Provincial Institute of Culture Relics and Archaeology, Museum of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King, Luoding Museum, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, the Antiquities and Monuments Office, University Museum and Art Gallery at the University of Hong Kong and other local collections. The exhibits comprise of ceramics, gold and silver, semi-precious stones, trade paintings, silk, stone carvings, historical maps and publications, metal ware, bamboo and wooden carvings, ship models and navigation maps.

Special Exhibition: East Meets West: Maritime Silk Routes in the 13th – 18th Centuries

2018.8.14 – 11.11
Monday to Friday 9:30 -17:30
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays 10:00 – 19:00
Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館
Central Pier No. 8, Hong Kong

成人港幣 30 元
長者(六十歲或以上) / 全日制學生 / 兒童 (十八歲或以下) / 殘疾人士(及一名陪同看護)港幣 15 元
$30 for adult
$15 for seniors/ students (aged above 18) and disabled (accompanied by a carer) / children (aged under 18)
Discounts are available for group visits of 10 or more.

Source: Hong Kong Maritime Museum 香港海事博物館

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