Billy Apple® 藝術品牌之路| Billy Apple®: SIXTY YEARS OF REVOLUTION

Rossi & Rossi Gallery 欣然宣布新展 《Billy Apple® 跨越六十年1962–2018 》,展覽將在香港於6月9日至7月27日展出。 作為上個世紀60–70年代英國和紐約流行藝術和觀念藝術潮中的中心人物,Billy Apple對身分這一主題展開了深刻的探討和推廣,其手法尖銳獨到,是當代藝術家中最特立獨行的其中一位。本次在Rossi & Rossi的展覽精選了每個時期的重要代表作品,追尋藝術家在過去60年間跨越三大洲的創作足跡。

Billy Apple® 原名Barrie Bates, 於1935年出生於新西蘭的奧克蘭。於1959年離開新西蘭前往倫敦皇家藝術學院學習平面設計。1962年畢業後,改名為Billy Apple,通過這一激進的舉措來建立新的身份並將自己變成自己的藝術作品。通過模糊藝術和藝術家、藝術和生活、藝術和商業之間的界線,Apple從個人藝術家逐漸轉變為品牌,並在2007年以他的名字註冊了商標。

Rossi & Rossi Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition Billy Apple® Six Decades 1962–2018, taking place from 9 June to 27 July in Hong Kong. Regarded as a pivotal artist in the British and New York pop and conceptual art movements of the 1960s and ’70s, Billy Apple’s examination and promotion of an identity, and his uncompromising and singular means to do so, place him amongst the most idiosyncratic artists of our time. Rossi & Rossi’s presentation tracks his practice over three continents and six decades through seminal works from each period.

Billy Apple® was born Barrie Bates in Auckland, New Zealand in 1935. He left New Zealand in 1959 to study Graphic Design at the Royal College of Art in London. After graduating in 1962, he took the radical step of changing his name to Billy Apple to establish a new identity and turn himself into his own art work. By blurring the boundaries between art and artist, art and life, and art and commerce, Apple’s gradual transformation from an individual artist into a brand culminated in 2007, when he registered his name as a trademark.

Billy Apple® 跨越六十年1962–2018


2018.6.9 – 7.27


Tuesday to Saturday 11:00 – 18:00


Rossi & Rossi Gallery


3C Yally Industrial Building, 6 Yip Fat Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong

Source: Rossi & Rossi Gallery


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