STEVEN JOHN HO | 極具90年代流行文化的幽默感

Steven John ho現居於倫敦,是一個自由身的藝術家。他擅長創作大尺幅的插畫,作品啟發自他喜愛的90年代卡通、電影和漫畫。他也是由Jonathan Jay Lee為Affordable Art Fair 2022策展的「Young Talent HK x Next Gen」展覽項目中26位新進藝術家之一。

Steven John ho is based in London, working as a freelance, commissioned artist. He specialises in large scale illustrations inspired by his love for 90s cartoons, movies and comic books. He is one of the 26 emerging artists selected by curator Jonathan Jay Lee, to be featured in “Young Talent HK x Next Gen” to exhibit works in Affordable Art Fair 2022.

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