Stephen Wong: 踏上虛擬的旅程 | EMBARK ON A VIRTUAL JOURNEY

肺炎肆虐之際,生活模式不但被改變,更沒有辦法出國旅遊。黃進曦亦只能透過Google Earth漫遊世界,看著螢幕展開一場「孤高」的虛擬旅程,帶我們走過馬丘比丘、馬特洪峰和富士山。

As the coronavirus is raging, life pattern is not only changed, but it is impossible to travel abroad as well. Wong can also only travel the world through Google Earth, watching the screen as he embarking on a virtual journey that would take us to Machu Picchu, the Matterhorn and Mount Fuji.

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