
時代巨輪無聲無息地轉動前進,本土文化、歷史軌跡很輕易地被城市發展的急流所淹沒,猶幸仍有舊照記錄一切,記載回憶。在新舊照片對比下,有沒有勾起你搭電車的回憶呢?那些年一起搭「叮叮」的回憶使人回味,現在正舉辦的電車展覽能讓你重溫「叮叮」舊夢。香港今旅酒店榮幸地邀請了香港電車專家及著名收藏家張順光先生合作舉辦「城西 ‘叮叮’ 電車回顧展」,乘上電車時光機穿越過去,追溯一百多年來西區的電車發展,尋覓屬於香港人的集體回憶。

「城西 ‘叮叮’ 電車回顧展」展出由張順光先生借出的19幅珍貴電車及西區歷史舊照,橫跨五代電車歷史,見證電車如何伴隨港人成長,照片亦記錄了西區堅尼地城、西營盤至上環的歷史變遷。由靠山傍海的小平房、異國風情的殖民建築到星羅棋布的摩天大廈,電車的歷史舊照拼湊出香港不斷變換的新面貌。

Hotel Jen Hong Kong proudly presents “Ding Ding Track Alongside @ Western District” Exhibition, which is the first collaboration with Hong Kong Tramways expert and the well-known collector, Mr. Alan Cheung. It invites the audience to take a glimpse of the centenary development of Hong Kong Tramways 香港電車 and the lives in old Hong Kong, and to recall our collective memory.

“Ding Ding Track Alongside @ Western District” Exhibition showcases the precious collection lent from Mr. Alan Cheung, nineteen priceless trams and historical pictures of the Western District span across five generations of tramway, witnessing how “Ding Ding” accompanies Hong Kong through times good or bad, as well as recording the transition of the Western District. By demonstrating how the coastal bungalows were progressively changed to colonial buildings, then replaced by high-density skyscrapers and properties, the historical photos piece up the contour of the ever-changing Hong Kong.

No one can guarantee what Hong Kong would look like in the future, we never stop asking what we can seize in the tides of change. Those historical pictures capture what we lost and what remains unchanged, seizing our memories. What is your best and most memorable moments happened on the tram?

「城西 ‘叮叮’ 電車回顧展」
“Ding Ding Track Alongside @ Western District” Exhibition
2018.8.9 – 11.30
Hotel Jen Hong Kong 1/F, 2/F & 28/F
508 Queen’s Road West, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong

Free Admission

Special Thanks to:
香港今旅酒店 Hotel Jen Hong Kong


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